
Monday, March 14, 2016

Wild Asparagus


Wild Asparagus, ( Black Bryony/Avriones) or Ovries as they are known locally here in Corfu. This wild asparagus is a sprout from Tamus Communis. It's name is derived from Bryonia Dioicia another wild plant which is poisonous and is not meant for eating. I really don't know why this mistaken in identity has taken place ;)   Wild Asparagus, is nature's gourmet food and the best part is that it's free. My mother in law is an expert when it comes to foraging and I'm an expert in executing a well prepared healthy meal. To me it looks like tiny asparagus. Avriones are simple to clean and simple to cook. They are three ways you can cook them boiled, baked and sauteed with tomato paste. I must admit they are bit bitter but pair them with lemon, fresh tomatoes and some feta and they automatically become a delicacy! 

Wild Asparagus

  • 500 grams Bryony
  • 1/2 teaspoon of oregano
  • 5 tablespoons of olive oil
  • parchment paper or clay pan
  • lemon 
  • salt & pepper to taste

                     First, you clean them, place them in a colander and run water over them. Allow them to drip dry. Cut off some of the stem. Place them in parchment paper, add all of your ingredients cover and bake at 300 for 20 minutes. Take out squeeze lemon and serve as seen in picture. 

TIP: When using a clay pan cover with parchment paper before baking. 

Kale Orexi! Another great tasting dish from my kitchen to yours! 

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